The girls and I have finally finished our school year. The second semester found us deep in the muck of learning and trying to meet NC state homeschooling laws. By the time each week ended, I was so exhausted that writing up a post about what we had done that week was the last thing that I wanted to do. I am grateful for the weeks I was able to post about our school year and hope that I can build on that next
Overall, we had a really strong year. We got through a lot of material and pushed through some difficult weeks. Looking back, I wish that we would have gone on more field trips. Homeschooling should be about so much more than just book material - which is something I constantly lose sight of. I am often so concerned with getting through the chapters/topics in each subject that I forget that there is a whole world of learning to be had out there that involves experiences and not textbooks. Maybe one of the years I will catch on.