One of the biggest blessings I have been able to witness as a mother is the friendship of my boys. We always hear parents talking about how their children - particularly their teenagers - fight all of the time or how they don't even talk to one another. I just assumed that when the time came for my kids to grow up they would follow the same path. Our family's experience with the growing of children couldn't be more different.
When my boys were little they would behave in much the way that my girls do now - some days they would play for hours on end which would sometimes erupt into a pretty good fight of some sort. Or other days it would seem that the squabbling continued at length - nothing major just grumbling and nitpicking here and there. As time has gone by my boys quietly grew out of those phases and started to become friends. Best of friends. Now-a-days my boys go pretty much everywhere together. They share friends. They share most activities. They share some subjects in school. They choose to share a bedroom. I don't know many kids, given the choice, that would choose to share a room with their sibling. I know I wouldn't have when I was their age. When we first moved to New Mexico they had the option of each having their own rooms. That lasted for about 2 weeks and then they decided to take up residence together.
It seems as if most nights I hear them talking and giggling after I have put them to bed. Last night, one of them passed gas and you would have thought that was the funniest thing in the whole wide world. They both erupted into such a laughing fit that I had to ask them to keep it down because their sisters were trying to sleep.
They finish each others sentences sometimes and are always quoting movie lines that cracks the other up. They know just how to make the other laugh and in turn know just how to aggravate the other person - which rarely happens.
It has been a joy to watch them enjoy each others company. When Josh had to do be away from the house all day on Saturday for a soccer referee class Andy was lost and even mentioned to me that he didn't know what he was going to do without Josh around.
Watching their friendship has been one of the greatest parenting gifts I have ever received. It is an honor and a privilege to get to witness the beauty of my boys being best of friends. It really is a gift - one that I never in a million years would have guessed that I would be able to be a spectator to. I hope that my girls some day follow suit. I never thought that I would be able to witness such a cool thing. My boys are lucky that they have each other. They truly are two peas in a pod. I hope that their friendship continues on forever.
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