Tuesday, February 9, 2016

My Word of the Year

It has become a popular idea among the blogging community to pick a word that a person will focus on throughout the year. I thought this was a cool idea, but didn't really have a word that I wanted to focus on and so I chose nothing. 

Now that I am getting back on my feet again a word popped into my mind that I think perfectly suits me and what I need to accomplish this year. The word is: 

Because I tend to be an all or nothing kinda gal moderation eludes me on a regular basis. I am going at life at either 150% or 10%. There is usually not an in between. But living this way is not healthy for me at all and I need to do my very best to be aware of my inclination of living my life at full speed or fully stopped. I need to live in a state of moderation whether it is in regards to education, food, housekeeping, homemaking, exercising, eating well, etc...

And so that is what I will be focusing on this year: moderation. 

I am giving up Facebook for Lent this year, so if you happen to read my blogs via Facebook please know that I will not be posting anything through Facebook until after Easter, but I will still be writing blogs. If you want to keep updated on my zany life please do so through: momofmanygreggs.blogspot.com

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