Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A Birthday Girl - Miss Elizabeth

It has been crazy busy around here, so I have not had time to update everyone on all of the things going on.  

Last Wednesday, August 17, Elizabeth turned 10. I no longer have any children that are in the single digits. It feels kinda weird. 

Elizabeth was pretty pumped for her birthday. She talked about it for weeks on end prior to the actual day. I knew that Bob was going to be at a conference and would not be able to take the day off of work for her like he tries to always do for the kids on their birthdays, so I had a feeling that her birthday was not going to be quite up to snuff. I tried to make it the best that I could for her though because I knew how much the day meant to her. 

Andy made Elizabeth a boombox pinata which I thought turned out pretty cute. He cut a whole in the bottom of the pinata so that she could see what some of the candy was inside, but not all of it. Josh picked out "real" coke - the kind from Mexico that has sugar in it verse high fructose corn syrup. I made Elizabeth her birthday cake. I found a recipe for buttercream frosting and chocolate cupcakes that I liked and made the dress using directions from Pinterest. 

After opening presents I took the girls to get a pedicure. We came back to the house so Elizabeth could play with the American Girl outfits my mom and dad got her for her birthday and also to build a Lego set Bob and I got her.  We then picked up Josh from soccer tryouts and headed downtown on the train to check out a candy shop we heard was pretty cool and to also grab some dinner. Luckily for us the conference that Bob was attending was in downtown Portland, so he was able to meet us for dinner. 

After dinner we headed back to the house via the train and went to bed. Unfortunately, not every birthday is meant to be the best one and this one did not match up to some of the other birthdays that Elizabeth has had, so she was a little upset at bedtime. I could understand. Being a kid is hard sometimes and being disappointed about something as special as a birthday is bummer. Maybe next year will be better. 

Opening gifts.

Sharing a huge snow cone after we got off of the train. 

The shift that her dad made her.

The train stop that we got off at. 

This game is crazy...the gist is that you have to pick a jelly bean out of the box. Each jelly bean is either going to be one bad flavor (like rotten egg, puke, etc..) or one good flavor (like caramel or toffee). The kicker is that you don't know what flavor you are getting until after you take a bite of the jelly bean. 

Taking her first go at it. It ended up being a good taste. 

Good taste....

Checking out the back of the box to see which two flavors that the jelly bean in Sarah's had has the potential to be...

And it was the bad flavor...
Taking a bite...

Taking a bite...
And no bueno!

At the restaurant.

Me planting a smooch on Sarah's face. 

Saying goodbye to dad. 


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