Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Oh The Places He'll Go!

Andy's last day of homeschooling is today. After that, he will officially be a high school graduate.  This sweet boy of mine has been such a gift. I am thankful that I got to homeschool him for 8 out of his 13 school years. I am thankful that we have had the luxury of being able to homeschool, and that we had options when he realized that public school was not for him.

Ever cautious, Andy has been slow in developing his life's plan. And although it may change a bit here and there, I do believe that for the most part the goals he has set out to accomplish for himself will be the ones he completes.

Andy has taught me so much as a parent and as a person. He truly, truly is one of the sweetest, most gentle, kindest young men you will ever meet. If he chooses to share his life with someone, that person will be lucky indeed.

Andy's life goals are to earn a bachelor's degree in Engineering and to become a commercial pilot. His main goal is to be a commercial pilot, but because that industry fluctuates so much with the economy he wants to have something to fall back on in case there are ever cuts in the airline industry that would affect him - that is where the degree in engineering comes into play. He would like to someday work for Microsoft and help develop devices for abled differently people like sister. He hopes to makes technology more accessible and user friendly to those whose bodies have different needs that your average person. Like most people, he wants to make a difference in the world, and I have no doubt in my mind that he can - and will.

Andy envisions himself moving back out west. He loves the outdoors and cannot imagine living his life without easy access to mountains that he can climb. He does not want to move to the southwest though, so I would imagine that he will end up in the Denver, Portland, Seattle area, but that is up to him to decide.

I am so excited for Andy. He has always walked his own path and always heard the beat of a different drummer. He has always been sure of who he is and who he is not, and I admire that greatly. I also respect the fact that he has pushed back when I have tried to mold him into someone he is not; the times when I have tried to make him hear the beat of a more "regular" pattern in life - the ones that most other kids hear. Looking back, I am sorry that I ever put him in a box like that instead of letting him shine brightly just as he was and trusting that everything would be okay.

He is the greatest of gifts and I love him to pieces. I believe with all of my heart that he is off to great places and that his life will be one grand adventure of his own choosing. As he takes flight, I am so thankful that I got to walk beside him for the last 19 years, and I look forward to seeing what destinations he chooses for himself. I will always be one of his biggest fans and supporters.

Here's to the future, Andyman. May you always be true to yourself. May you always be kind and just. May you be polite, but not allow yourself to be walked on. May you always know that when you fail or get knocked down by life, you will always have me, Dad, Josh, Sarah, and Elizabeth to help pick you up. May you always know that you are never alone; that there is a whole army of people who love you deeply.

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