Friday, December 4, 2020

September, October, & November 2020 Reading List

(I had intended to write about Sarah's 16th birthday, but am having a hard time downloading a few birthday pics, so I will post this instead in the hope that I will be able to get her birthday pics downloaded in the next day or so.)

 Since I have three months of books to share with you I will keep this part short & just get right to it. 




I enjoyed all of these books. Some of them I have read before such as Sara and Eleanor, The Kite Runner, and A Thousand Splendid Suns. I love, love, love Khaled Hosseini's work. I have researched him to see if perhaps he has written other books, but have found only a children's book of his that came out several years ago. He is probably one of my favorite writers. Both of his books haunt me and I can see myself reading them once a year many years over.  I also enjoyed re-reading Sarah and Eleanor. I really enjoy reading about the Roosevelt family. I am particularly drown to Teddy Roosevelt's life, but reading about FDR's mother and wife are enjoyable to me as well. (I don't really have an interest to read about FDR himself though which I find a bit odd.) 

Some of the books I wouldn't read again. Opium and Six Weeks in a Sioux Tepee are two works that I am glad I read once, but that was enough. The rest of the books I would read again, although not with the same urgency as Hosseini's books. I will say that Hell in the Heartland also haunted me a bit and I had to put it down for a few weeks because it creeped me out so much in the beginning of the book. 

I found Kilian Jornet's book to be a bit egotistical, but I am finding as I read more and more books on climbers and ultra-marathoners that this seems to be a common theme. I still find books on those who push themselves to their limits and risk their lives in nature fascinating and will most likely keep reading books of this genre even though I often get turned off by their tone. 

At the beginning of this year I set a goal to read 52 books. And although I am not there yet, I feel confident that I will be able to reach this goal in December. I am excited about reaching this personal achievement. I need to think about what my new goal will be in 2021. 

January  - 7
February - 8
March  - 7
April - 2
May/June  - 5
July - 5
August - 3
September - 5
October - 4
November - 5

2020 total - 51

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