Today is May 18th.
For our family, today's date is one of those in which we will never forgot. All family's eventually have a date like this - the date that marks the before and after; The date in which your whole life is upended and irrevocably changed forever.
May 18th is that date for us.
8 years ago was Sarah's first ER visit. It was the first time Sarah's vision left her completely; The first MRI; The first lesions found; The first abyss into darkness.
Today is the first day of our family's education into the deep seated belief in HOPE.
When I was going through my initial grieving process mourning the life that I knew my daughter would no longer have a friend reached out with the following poem. I fell in love with its truth from the moment I first read its words. It is the perfect story to describe to a person the Before and After of a life unexpectedly altered.
In honor of Sarah's diagnosis day, I would like to share that story with you again because it is worth repeating.
That was beautiful!!!