When did food get so complicated? I have never been more stressed out about what to put into the mouths of my family members than I am right now. I am growing increasingly frustrated in the way that food is not only presented to me, but that the whole process of selecting food to put into my body has become so difficult.
As organic has becomes more and more main stream I worry that the lines of what qualifies as organic is becoming more blurry. I worry whenever profit is involved that my best interests are not really being looked after. I feel like I am sitting on ticking time clock and that I only have a certain amount of time to prove to myself, my family, and Sarah's doctors that her diet will play a big role in the outcome of her disease.
I am so worried about making the wrong choice, that I will choose the wrong diet to implement in my family, that it is making me a crazy lady. The food we put into our mouths is consuming so much of my time right now that I am finding it hard to sleep. I feel like I only have one chance to make the right choice for Sarah and the choices are completely overwhelming me.
What is the right way to eat? Is eating meat okay? How about only plant based food? Which food is less likely to cause my family illness? Should we avoid foods with gluten in them? I try and imagine what food was like 200 years ago. I bet there weren't as many illness and repercussions of eating as there are now. I find myself wondering what choices the men and women of that time had in terms of food.
I really hate food right now. I hate all of the choices. I hate how one study/person says that "this is the only way to eat" and then another study/person says "no, don't eat that way - eat this way". I hate how inadequate I feel and uneducated I feel about the food that is placed in front of myself and my children everyday. I hate that I do not know what nutrients my body needs and what nutrients my children's body's need. It makes me want to scream.
What is the purpose of food? If put that way, I guess I would say that the purpose of food is to nourish one's body. Maybe if I look at it from that vantage point I could break food down into those things that nourish our bodies and those that do not. Maybe then I could determine if, of those things that nourish our bodies, if there is a better version (say, organic or conventional) of that item? Does growing it a certain way really matter?
Oh, I don't know. I am a confused mess. I have no idea what to do.
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