Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Game 4: Plainfield @ Ritter

This past weekend Josh's high school team traveled the short distance to Indianapolis to play against Ritter, a Catholic high school. In my experience private school teams are hard to beat; they just seem to have more solid players than your average public school team. Ritter was no exception and Plainfield suffered its first loss of the season.

 I think the frustrating thing for me was that this team was beatable. They were a good team, don't get me wrong, but our boys were just as good. Josh has played in games throughout the years where the other team just had more talent and were better coached; there was nothing that his team could have done to win the game at those points in his playing career. You understand those kind of losses. They aren't fun, and you wish you could have won them, but you can accept the loss. This game was not one of those kinds of games. We should have won it.  We just have a couple of players that play soccer for the fun of it, and when the going gets tough they don't get going. I was ready to scream at certain points because a couple of the boys just didn't care about winning after a certain point and they wouldn't put in the extra effort needed to get the win which meant that those who did care about the win were at the mercy of those who didn't.

Josh had a good game. He is playing with his heart more so than I have ever seen him do so. It was fun to watch him and a few of the other players on the field because their love of the game shines through and they are exceptional to watch. I hope that this game was a wake up call to the team that everyone has to step up when the challenge arises. All for one and one for all.

In the end, we lost 1-0.

Record: 2-1-1

(My camera is on the fritz and so most of these pictures are a bit blurry. Sorry.)

Josh was tripped up and on the ground. 

My sister and her family came out to visit last weekend. She and my youngest nephew came with me to Josh's game. Here Vinny is watching the action. 

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