Friday, September 11, 2020

Holliday Park

In an effort to keep exploring, Bob found a park in downtown Indianapolis for us to explore. I always think its neat when there are natural places hidden among a city landscape. There were several places in Portland like this and I always took pleasure in knowing that nature had not been completely tamed - especially in places where it seemed it had been. 

Holliday Park was cool to visit. I am not sure I would go there again, but I am glad that we went once. Any time spent in the woods is a good time to me. 

I didn't look too far into these ruins, but I don't think they are authentic. I believe (though I could be completely wrong) that they are an artists rendering of what ruins would look/feel like. 

I always love when places we visit have things for Sarah to feel and see with her hands.

I thought the graffiti was cool. I liked how colorful it was. I liked that it made the concrete seem less stark and cold among the greenery. 

Can you tell how happy Elizabeth is that we dragged her to this destination? Especially after we got lost and had to backtrack our way back to the car? 

I have always loved trees, but ever since I visited Redwood National Forest a few years back I am always looking for bigger than normal trees (for the area I am in). There is something so majestic about these larger than life trees. This one definitely fit the bill. 

Just an FYI - we all had masks that we brought with us. The spaces that we were in were empty with the exception of the large lawn at the beginning of the photo in which it was sparsely populated. I am a crazy lady when it comes to masking in public, but in this case it was not warranted (even though we were prepared to in the event we needed to). 


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