Thursday, February 27, 2025

Forney Creek With Andy

Andy is a super busy kiddo between work and school he is rarely home, but a couple of weeks ago, he unexpectedly didn't have class in the afternoon, so we decided to go for a hike together with Miles down at Forney Creek. 

Forney Creek offers several different trails to choose from, and the one that Andy and I chose was one that he had never been on. It was raining, which is actually my most favorite time to hike the Forney Creek Trails. The trails are devoid of people, and all is very quiet in the woods except for the pitter patter of rain falling on the water, ground, and trees. 

We brought Miles with us to run out some of that puppy energy he still has. He had himself a grand time finding sticks, running around with said sticks, and then trying to chew them. He, as always, was living his best life. 

It was so nice to get out and spend some time with just Andy. I miss him now that he is just so busy with laying down a foundation for the life he wants to lead in the near future. We both love nature so much that it was the perfect place to spend some time together just the two of us. 

At Forney Creek with Andy. He is walking around the second pond with Miles by his side. I am taking the photograph from behind them. Miles is to the left, caught in mid sprint, his ears both sky high as they flop around from him sprinting down the path he and Andy are walking on. Andy is wearing his new orange jacket, blue jeans, and hiking boots. The foliage around us is barren and bleak. Everything is dormant waiting for spring to come.

These next three pictures capture Miles in various states of playing with a stick. In this first picture, it is just him, next to the second pond. He has a stick placed horizontally in his mouth. Each side of the stick is sticking out about 6" on both sides of his mouth. His head is back and he is standing erectly on all four legs. His tail is curled upwards. He is in his element right now and is happy as a hippo.

Same spot still, this time Miles' head is more level. He is still standing on all four legs. His tail is less curly than in the first photo, but he is still enjoying himself with the same intensity.

Miles, still by the second lake, but this time he looks like he is howling at the moon with a stick in his mouth. (Except that it is daytime and there are only rain and clouds in the sky at that moment.)

Me and Andy standing side by side (me on the left and Andy on the right.) He is taking a selfie of the two of us on the deck at the first pond area. I am wearing a navy blue raincoat with a gray zip up sweatshirt. My hair is pulled back off of my face. Andy is in his new orange jacket. His hood is up over his head. He has a small crustashe on his upper lip. His arm is around me as we stand in the rain on the deck.

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