Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Moose and Miles

 Moose is a one-of-a-kind cat, never able to be replaced or replicated. Miles is a one-of-a-kind puppy that has more personality than I ever thought possible in a dog. The happiness that these two four-legged family members bring to our family is limitless. The love that I have for Moose and the love that our whole family has for Miles is as wide as the sky. Our family would not be what it is without them in it. They make us laugh and are constantly creating memories for us to cherish forever. 

A portrait of Miles sleeping soundly on my unmade bed. The picture shows just his head and one of his front paws. He is snuggled up among the covers.

A close up of Miles face. The view shows just his head resting on one of my decorative pillows. His eyes are partially open and his nose is front and center.

A different angle of the same shot. This is taken from his left side (if looking straight at him). His head is slightly tilted and more of his body is showing.

A picture of Miles chewing a large stick while on leash sitting at one of Elizabeth's soccer tournaments. Dad and I were sitting in our fold-up chairs. We are sitting on grass outside the fence where the field is. The sky is sunny.

Miles laying down and chewing a long thin stick. He is entertaining himself for a short while while Dad and I watched Elizabeth play in her soccer tournament.

Another angle of Miles laying down chewing his stick. This picture is taken with me standing right over  Miles as he chews his bone.

Moose staring straight into the camera while he lays down on the back of the couch. He is looking so very handsome.

Miles and Heron sleeping together on the ottoman. Gloria is sleeping blissfully  while Miles is sleeping with his head nuzzled up over Heron's neck. (You are in the background of this pic being the big spoon to Miles.)

Moose sitting regally in the white chair in the living room corner by the window. He is (once again) staring into the camera lens, he has adopted a lion pose with his front paw hanging over the edge of the chair stretched out.

Miles and I in the car together. I am in the drivers seat and Miles is standing on the middle seats with his head looking over my right shoulder.

Miles sleeping on my unmade bed. He is on his back with his head slightly tilted. He has a smile on his face and his front two paws are standing straight up, but folded at his ankles.

Miles walking toward me on the Forney Creek Trail. The picture only shows the bottoms of the trees and the pathway with brown leaves littered throughout the forest floor.

Moose sitting on the left hand stool in the kitchen. There is a light blue apron hanging off the back of the chair with bright pink, large flowers scattered all over it. Moose is looking away from the camera. His fluff is extra fluffy and one of his front paws is tucked underneath him while the other one is only peeking out about a quarter of the way, showing only the white of his paw. This paw is hanging off of the chair very, very slightly. He knows his picture is being taken and he is trying to look very demure.

A view of Moose from the back. He is sitting in front of the left hand window of the front room. The plant stands are to his right with a variety of green plants hanging down here and there. The ottoman, a small part of the loveseat, and a chair are in view as well as a rocking chair on the front porch. The white curtains are hanging down to the left and right of the window.

Moose sitting on the planner book on top of the dining room table. He is looking to the right with his eyes halfway closed - giving an attitude like he can't be bothered. My markers are strewn across the view in the photo and there is a single candlestick in the picture towards the back.

Moose standing on his hind legs drinking something off of my nightstand. He is standing on the little area rug I keep beside my bed. The window to the right of the nightstand is open (or at least the curtains are open).

Miles sitting on his dog bed looking out the window with his "poor me" body posture. The curtain is open as well as the window and he is just hoping and wishing to be able to go outside in the sunshine. He is giving a Rapunzel vibe - like he wants all of the people outside to see him sitting in the window and feel sorry for him and rescure him from his tower.

Moose, sound asleep on your old bed. King Julian is beside him as he lays in a crescent moon shape half on his back, half on his side. He is surrounded by pillows.

Moosey laying on your bed - basking in the sunshine. The window is open and the sun is shining brightly. Your white curtains are open so he can get a good view out the window. His body is facing your closet all stretched out, but his head is turned to the left to get a good look and judge all of the people/creatures he sees outside. Your bed, I mean Moosey's old bed, is made nicely.

Miles, laying down on one of my area rugs in my room, his laying on his back, but all you can see in this pic is Miles' face. His face is turned toward the camera toward the left. You can see one eye as as the other is smooshed into the carpet. His jowls are drooping down toward the side with his mouth slightly open. He has a super goofy look on his face.

Miles and Heron sleeping together on the living room carpet. The ottoman is to the right and the coffee table is in the forefront. Heron is the big spoon and Miles is the little spoon and both are sleeping soundly.
Miles adores Heron. Heron? Not so much. 

On a sunny day, Moose is laying at the end of my made bed near Elizabeth's school supplies, and on top of Elizabeth's school papers. . He is laying down with his tail tucked around him and is paws underneath his body. He is looking up at someone with an annoyed expression on his face. (Looking handsome as ever.)

A close up of Moose's front half. He is laying on top of the coffee table in my room facing the chairs/me sitting in the chair. His front paws are placed in front of him and he is sitting primly waiting for something (but who knows what). He looks very handsome.

Moosey, sitting on the kitchen island, smelling roses and baby's breath flowers making a face that shows his dislike of something about the bouquet. His eyes are squinted and his ears are pinned back on his head.


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