Tuesday, November 12, 2019


We waited with baited breath for the snow that was forecast yesterday. Elizabeth was especially excited as it doesn't snow much here at all and the weather was predicting 2-3 inches (which is a lot in these parts). As soon as it was possible she began going outside and grabbing bowlfuls of snow; when Sarah came home from school she joined Elizabeth in their quest for snow bowls. 

Besides homeschooling, I got caught up on some chores. I had one of the worst migraines that I can recall last Thursday and it took two days to fully recover from it. I didn't do much in the way of chores over the weekend and instead chose to rest. Monday I hit the ground running and got caught up with what I had missed at the end of last week. 

Andy was supposed to have a follow up appointment with his lung surgeon yesterday, but that got pushed back to next week as the doctor ended up having a surgery scheduled during our appointment time. He is having a bit of trouble sleeping still as his "stab" wounds (as the nurses/doctors referred to his three incisions as equivalent to) are still healing. I am hoping that he can get a clean bill of health and head back to work as he needs to keep busy. Otherwise, he spends too much time plugged in. 

We haven't had much of a fall here and for that I am so disappointed. Fall is my most favorite season, but this year it seems like the temps are so much colder than they were last year at this time. The trees' leaves went from green to brown to on the ground with few exceptions. Even the beautiful bushes outside my living room and school room don't seem to be faring as well this year as they did last year; although they are providing me with some brilliance of red they are a bit lackluster as compared with last year's display.

Since Andy's hospitalization I have really been focusing on seeing the beauty of my life and gifts I have been given. I look at our four children each day and pause giving thanks to some higher power for the blessings they are. I give thanks for their health and for their lives. I have been shown time and time again that nothing is guaranteed in this life. 

A day's worth of living

The first flakes

Brother/sister time.

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