Friday, November 15, 2019

Always a Choice

Food prep for the day: apple pie, garden burgers, and jo-jos. 

With three hospitalizations this year between two kiddos (two for Andy and one for Sarah) my eyes are wide open to bounty of goodness in my life. It is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, I falter and make mistakes constantly.  Despite these imperfections, I cannot help but marvel at the beauty of what I have been bestowed - a kind, hardworking, gentle, loving husband and four amazingly unique, wonderful souls I get to call my children.

I often feel so unworthy of what I have been given; I don't know how I was chosen to be the wife and mama of the people who reside in my house. All I know is that I am so thankful that I was. 

 How cool is it to be chosen for such luxuries as a good husband and four sweet children?  

The universe made a choice that I was to be the wife and mama to these people who make up my heart.

Every day I have a choice too. Actually, I have more choices than I can count to be precise. My attitude, my level of patience, the words that come out of my mouth, how much I pay attention, my gratitude, the way I keep my home, the foods I prepare, the traditions I keep, the routines I practice daily...on and on this list could go, all of these things are choices to be made daily. 

Life is so precious and fragile. Here one minute, gone the next. I just want to make sure that I am living mine to the best of my abilities through the choices I make; the silver lining of the kids' hospitalizations this year is that their illness are true reminders to appreciate what I have because in one moment's time it could all be taken away.  

My favorite room in the house. 

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