Friday, November 22, 2019

Indianapolis Zoo

My mom bought our family a zoo pass a couple of months ago after a visit in which she, I, Andy and Elizabeth had gone to the zoo together. Our family hasn't had a zoo pass in over 5 years, but we used to get them every year when the kids were little. It was so nice to have some place to go where the kids could run and explore on those homeschooling days when we all just needed to get out of the house. Elizabeth, Andy, and I all enjoy the zoo very much, but Sarah and Josh don't. Being gifted a zoo pass is perfect for us because while the two kids who don't care for the zoo are in public school, the rest of us can use our pass to visit the zoo anytime we want for free.

The Indianapolis Zoo is probably one of my favorite zoos. It is not very big and the animal selection is not huge, but what makes me love it so much is that it has the biggest, most entertaining (for the animals), best exhibits for the animals I have ever seen. The space allowed for each animal is amazing. I have never been to another zoo that is even close to matching the space that the animals at the Indianapolis Zoo have. For an animal lover, like myself, this is awesome.

We have already used the family pass three times since we have received it, and I imagine that we will use it plenty more times before our year membership ends. The zoo is only about 20 minutes from our house, making it easily accessible for a quick (free) trip out of the house.

We arrived right as they opened and a lot of the animals were waiting for their breakfast when we viewed their exhibits. 

The stingray exhibit is so mesmerizing. Andy and I stood there for a good 20 minutes just watching the stingrays move around in their space. 

His paws were H-U-G-E!

I had the coolest lion encounter I have ever had with this guy. I spent quite a bit of time with him. 

The orangutan exhibit is so awesome. It is HUGE. I love that there is a staff room that overlooks a small part of the exhibit. I love even more that this guy was peeking in to their conversation. He stayed that was for quite a while. It was so funny.

This guy cracked me up too. He stayed that way almost the whole time Andy and I were viewing his exhibit. Just plopped down, tuckered out. 

Couldn't help taking a pic or two of some southwest fauna. 

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