Saturday, February 29, 2020

February Reading List

I read a lot of books again this month. I feel like I am devouring them at a faster rate than ever before. I love how no matter how many books I read there are still so many out there that I have not read. Often I will find my next books to read based on authors or books referred to by the current authors I am reading. This leads me down a pretty cool path of books that I almost always seem to enjoy immensely.

Right now I am really interested in the female lives in the Middle East. I have read some really great books on the topic this being one of them. 

The Last Girl - by  Nadia Murad (Hardcover) - image 1 of 1
The world that we live in, and the policies shaped by people's religious beliefs always astounds me. This book is just one of the many reasons that organized religion of any kind tends to scare me off. 

The Farmer's Son: Calving Season on a Family Farm by [Connell, John]
I stumbled on this book in Barnes and Noble recently and knew that I had to read it. I borrowed it from the local library (as I do with almost all of the books I present in these posts) and just found it to be an enjoyable read. 

I read Ree's book half a dozen years ago or so and found it to be an easy read. I came back to it after reading some heavy books on women's lives in the middle east. I was able to read this in about two days and found it (and Wild) to be the perfect books to take my mind off of the atrocities that women in the Middle East live in and with on a daily basis.

Wild By Cheryl Strayed
I ready Cheryl's book while I lived in Portland (I think). I have also walked on the Pacific Crest Trail although only for a few seconds while visiting Timberline Lodge on Mt Hood. I like books with strong female characters and this book definitely fits the bill. I needed an easy read and this was another book that I was able to read in just a couple of days.  

A new fascination of mine is long distance running - particularly ultra-marathon runners. I think because this world is so foreign to me I really enjoy reading about it. In fact, I have another book I am going to begin in the next day or so about another ultra-marathon runner. 

I have a deep fear/respect for the ocean. The thought of being in the middle of the ocean - stranded - is one of the top three most terrifying experiences I can think of. I was captivated by this book. 

I have seen this book for years and years and just never got around to reading it. I finally did so and am glad that I did. I read two books this month centered around the Appalachian trail.  I am wondering if there is a new theme in my reading life about to pop up...

January books read - 7
February books read - 8
2020 total - 15

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