Monday, February 3, 2020

January's Reading List

At the turn of the new year I made a commitment to myself to try and read 50 books this year. In an effort to turn away from electronics (I am still not on Facebook and I deleted my Instagram account about a month ago too in an effort to cut back on unnecessary electronic time) I decided to focus that newly found time on reading. This month this commitment has paid off in spades as I was able to read 7 books. I am drawn to history books, so it should be no surprise that a few of those turned up on January's reading list. I also have returned to some authors that I haves been drawn to in the past like Elizabeth Gilbert. My latest interest is running, particularly ultra-marathon running. Runners inspire me and awe me. Ultra-marathon runners are like mini gods in my world.

Without further ado here are the books I read in January:

This book is amazing. I find that I am really drawn to books on the Middle East and it's treatment of women. I could definitely see myself reading this book again.

Again - a good read. I would recommend this to anyone interested in running. 
Loved reading the history of  'the other woman' across different cultures and times. 
Glad I read this book, but I probably wouldn't read it again. 
This book was a re-read for me. I was at a point this month where I read through all of the library books I had picked up and was waiting for more to come in. I selected this from my own bookshelf as I awaited for February's books to come in. 

I finished reading City of Girls in December and realized that I hadn't had enough of an Elizabeth Gilbert fix, so I went back and re-read this gem. There are some authors that I imagine I will re-read their works multiple times over the course of my life; Elizabeth Gilbert is definitely one of those authors. I love her style of writing. 
Of all of the books I read this was probably my least favorite. It wasn't awful, but it just didn't captivate me like all of the other books I read this month.

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