Thursday, August 22, 2024

A Welcome Respite

 The windows are open for the first time in months. The temperatures yesterday and today are well below the average for this time of year, and I gladly welcome the respite from the oppressive heat and humidity summertime brings. Like laundry hung on a line, one of my greatest homemaking joys is opening the windows for the first time after a long season of intense heat or frigid temperatures. There is something so satisfying in feeling the air make its way through the house supplying it with a deep gulp freshness that swallows the staleness stagnating everywhere. 

To see my curtains billowing and to hear all of the everyday (and night) noises that exist outside the confines of my home is a welcome change that always lifts my spirits. 

How I love open windows in my home!

The heat is returning though. In a few days the temperatures are expected to be in the low 90's again. With that will come closed windows again and central air turned on, but for now I will relish in the feeling of fresh air filtering its way through the confines of this house. Thankfully, summer is almost over here. The days of multiple open window days (even weeks!) is almost upon me. For now, I will cherish these two days that gave me an unexpected glimpse of what is just around the bend. 

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