Monday, August 5, 2024

The Last First Day

On August 1st of this year, Elizabeth and I began her senior year of high school. This also means that it is my last year of homeschooling. I have been a homeschooling mama for 14 years. That is a lot of my life, and I am having a harder time than I anticipated reconciling the fact that I am in the homestretch. 

I am so glad that I homeschooled our kiddos for the majority of their school years. There are definitely things that I wish that I would have done differently, and if given the chance to go back and have a 'do over' would definitely change things up, but I cannot, and so I will do what we all do and march forward with the beat of time. 

Elizabeth is not on the traditional path of what looks like "normal" schooling. She learns differently and struggles with things that others do not. I am finally at a place in my homeschooling journey where I am comfortable with our learning journey looking a bit different than others. As long as she is moving forward on her own path then I am okay with that. 

We debated on starting this school year after Labor Day, but I decided against it because we often have visitors in the fall, and we do not generally do schoolwork when we have visitors. I wanted to have a jump on our stuff so that when we do take a visitor break we are in a good spot to do so. I also want to be able to end our school year at a reasonable date to give Elizabeth the summer to relax before she either joins the workforce fulltime or goes to college. (She is thinking she would like to take a European gap year in between graduating and continuing on with her education.)

On our last first day Elizabeth cleared out her binders from last year, made new binder covers for her subjects for this year, reviewed what she will be working on this year, and lightly began some of her subjects.  We always start off our first couple of days just getting introduced to the upcoming year and getting set up for success. 

We will begin the meat and potatoes of our school year today.

An opened box of school supplies

Elizabeth decorating her binder covers at the dining room table. She is wearing headphones and has on a gray tshirt. The dining room table is covered with school books, papers, binders, and other random homeschool supplies.
Decorating her binder covers.

A stack of this year's school books.
This year's schoolbooks. 

New markers, pencils, paper, dividers all in their packaging neatly displayed on the dining room table.

The front cover of my teaching planner.
My last Erin Condren school planner. 


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