Friday, December 30, 2016

My Word Of The Year for 2017

Several years ago I noticed that some of the bloggers I followed chose words for the upcoming year. These words were what each woman was going to choose to focus on because they were areas that she was lacking or areas that they wanted to improve upon. Some of the past words I have seen used were things such as: patience, calm, or organize. I liked the concept a lot, but never really implemented the idea into my own life. 

 Then April died and I found myself questioning so much of what I thought I knew. One day recently I was thinking about her again and a word just popped into my head. It came out of the blue without rhyme or reason. I was in between thoughts about April and her death when this word appeared to me. Once is reverberated in my psyche I knew instantly why this word was presented to me. This word cannot have come at a better time. It was meant to be my focus point of 2017. 

In 2017 I am going to focus on being more intentional

More intentional with:

My words
My thoughts
My time
My finances
My faith
My health

More intentional with my roles: 

As a mother
A wife
A daughter
A sister
A friend, etc...


 April's passing helped put a mirror up to my face and showed me just how much I was living my life on autopilot. She helped me to see that if I were to die unexpectedly how much of my life would not be as I would want it to be. How much of my life I would look back on and realize that I would love to have had that time again to do it over. And since I know, thanks to my good friend Tim, that life isn't a practice round I don't think that there could be a better word of the year for me at this point in my life.

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