Saturday, February 2, 2019

January's Reading List

I read a lot of books this month. About half of the books I read were books that I have read previously at one time or another. The book that I enjoyed the most was The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt. I was inspired to read more about Theodore Roosevelt after reading The River of Doubt for a second time (or maybe it's the third time - I cannot remember). 

One of the good things about the library system in Indiana is that a patron can borrow a book from any of the libraries in the state as long as you have a library card from your township. Because all of the libraries around us are super, duper small I find myself requesting books on-line much more than I actually go into the library to look for a book. Because of this, I didn't pay attention when I began to run low on borrowed books and then consequently ran out of library books to read. I have since remedied this and have 15 books coming in the next week or so. (I went a bit overboard, I admit.) This book shortage accounts for why I re-read half of the selections below; they were books I already have in my own book collection.

(In the meantime, I actually went into the library today to pick up a book I ordered that came in and walked around the teeny, tiny library closest to us in Mooresville, Indiana. I walked out with about 7 books which should more than hold me over until my requested items are in. Can I just say that I love reading? Love it! I also love that there are more interesting books available to read than I could ever read in my lifetime which means that I should never run out of good reads. Thank God for writers.)

In looking at the books below it seems I am circling back around to anther farm kick. I seem to read a variety of the same genre of books over and over: history (100+ years ago is my favorite), self-help, parenting, farming, food, and a trashy book thrown in here and there (which in this month's case would be New Moon.)

500 Acres and No Place to Hide: More Confessions of a Counterfeit Farm Girl by [McCorkindale, Susan]