Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Pioneer Park

One of my favorite things about Ohio is its trail system. Northeast Ohio in particular
has an abundance of trails and parks to visit.  I can remember when the kids were little, walking around those parks and trails season after season, year after year. They bring me comfort now in the way that most things do that bring nostalgia. 

I have found two parks here in Indiana that are similar to those I frequented in Ohio. One of them is Pioneer Park. The park has a  huge area of walking trails, playgrounds, soccer fields, baseball fields, a water park, and a river. And, you''ll never believe it, but the water is actually warm enough to walk around in without freezing. (Take note Pacific Northwest.) 

Because our lives are so busy and harried right now I asked the kids if they would humor me on Sunday and go to the park for an hour or so just to be together away from the pulls of every day life. Thankfully, they did so, and we ended up spending a good amount of time wading in the river and sitting by its edge just being together as a whole family unit. It was my favorite part of the whole weekend. 

I think that our family will spend a good amount of time here. It will be a good way to mark our time and the passing of the seasons. I can only imagine what they will each bring. 

I will always remember my first trip back to Ohio after having moved to the desert and seeing how green it really is here. The different shades of green found in this part of the country were a shock to my senses and I was amazed that I never noticed just how many shades of green there are. I saw this tree and its surround brush on Sunday and it reminded of stepping off of the plane and being surrounded by such color. 

Teeny tiny shells. 

Almost fell in. 

Lily rubbing herself in the dirt. 

All done. 

Elizabeth was exfoliating my leg. She should open up a spa someday. She is the BEST massager I have ever known and loves to do things like exfoliate other peoples skin. 

I don't know why but I was captivated by this root system. I loved the complexity and depth of it. 

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