Wednesday, December 30, 2020

December Reading List

 I spent two weeks of this month trying to slog through Moby Dick. I like to read as many classics as I can both with my kids and by myself, and I almost always am glad that I did so. I also have a hard time not finishing a book I start. I spent a week of the two that I pushed through Moby Dick trying to talk myself into (and out of) finishing the book. In the end, I realized that I was being insane. It is okay to not finish a book. Maybe I will come back to it at another point in time, but for now it wasn't a good pick for me. 

That being said, I only got through 3 books this month, one of which I have read multiple times, but I wanted to leave this year reading a book I loved and I will. I anticipate finishing my current read on New Year's Day, so I am including it in this month's 'read' list. 

This month I read: 

This was an interesting read. I had no idea how unsupported the Revolutionary Soldiers were in terms of lodging and (more importantly) food. It makes me realize just how deeply that this country wanted its freedom from the British when I understood how our soldiers were basically starving through most of the war with no lodging and not enough supplies (like clothing, etc...)

I ended up reading this book (and the one above) because Andy purchased them as part of a class he thought he was going to take (but ended up dropping). I wanted to see what professors were requiring their kids to read in college classes these days. It was interesting to read a book from someone just visiting this country from Europe. To get Fanny's take on the way Americans did things during that time period was enlightening. I definitely won't read this book again, but I am glad that I took the time to read it once. 

I have read this book twice (maybe even three times) this year. I just love, love, love it. The Sioux and Comanche Indians fascinate me. I wish there were more good books on them that I could get my hands on because I would read them all.  

Well, I reached my goal of reading 52 books this year. 

I wasn't sure if I was going to make it at one point, but I ended up finishing the year up with 54 books read. I was going to try and come up with a new goal this year to top last year's goal, but I think instead I am just going to stick with trying to read a book a week again. Here is the monthly breakdown - January - 7 February - 8 March - 7 April - 2 May/June - 5 July - 5 August - 3 September - 5 October - 4 November - 5 December - 3 2020 total - 54

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