Saturday, January 12, 2019

First Snow

I woke up this morning to several inches of freshly fallen snow. I knew a storm was coming as it has been the talk of the town the last few days. Snow doesn't fall regularly in these parts and when it does it is usually only a dusting. The 5-7 inches we are projected to get through the duration of this storm is not the norm here, and the atmosphere was a bit like a blizzard was approaching.

There is something magical about the first good snow of the season. As a semi-early riser seeing the neighborhood covered in a layer of white fluff untainted by cars and people yet is a thing of beauty. Watching the snowflakes fall with varying degrees of intensity over the last few hours has been serene. This morning I watched the flakes make their journeys to their final destinations on the ground below with the wonder of a child.

There are things that you know that you miss about certain parts of the country when you are nomadic like our family is. In the winter time, for us, we have missed having good and frequent snow storms. Luckily for us we were able to have one really good snow storm while living in both New Mexico and Oregon, but since moving away from Ohio we just haven't been exposed to the traditional winters we have all grown to expect the months of November - March to look like. Which is what makes these infrequent visits of snow all the more special to us.

The girls are making their breakfast right now, and are preparing to spend all afternoon in the snow. Thankfully, we have snow gear organized in a bin in our hall closet still. It will be neat to see who has outgrown what since the last time that protective layer of cloth was donned. I imagine Lily will join the girls as she loves playing in the snow, and we all cannot help thinking about our beloved Sammy who loved, loved, loved playing in the snow.

The snow is expected to fall all through the day and into the evening. I imagine I will spend the day doing household chores and taking moments to stop, sit down, and really enjoy the beauty of the snow as it descends from the sky. This snow storm is such a gift.

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