Monday, January 15, 2024

A Trip To The Mountains

A couple of months ago, Bobby and I, along with the two kiddos still left at home decided to head to the mountains. We ended up going on a hike that had stunning views at the top, but it was not without its challenges. On the way up the mountain, there was a pretty steep incline for much of the way up. Andy and Bobby left Elizabeth and I in the dust (which we were okay with) and got to the top quite a bit before she and I did, but that was a-okay with us. At one point we were counting steps in order to reach our step goal before we could take a break. We were definitely huffing and puffing together while the boys just scooted up the hill with little fanfare. 

The cloud cover was so, so cool. The afternoon weather was forecast to be storming that day, and you can see the clouds just pouring over the mountains bringing with them the rain.

I feel really lucky that we get to live so close to a mountain range. It is nice to be able to just head out on a Saturday and explore new trail after new trail. 

Dad, Me, Elizabeth, and Andy taking a selfie on the side of the road in the mountains. Behind us are mountains as far as the eye can see.

A view of the mountains from the top of our hike. The sky is blue and there are fluffy white clouds in the sky. The view is pine trees, flowering bushes in pinks and oranges, and orange, yellow, and red leaves.

At the top of our hike looking out over the mountains. There is a cloud system that looks like a huge wave pouring over the mountain in the distance.

Another view of the cloud pouring over the mountains, but this time a little bit further away than the first.

Miles and miles of mountains with a lone pine tree sticking up taller than all of the other trees in front of us.

Me and Margie sitting on a rock catching our breath after being left in the dust by Dad and Andy on this trail.

Mountains and mountains and mountains with pine trees sticking up here and there among the decidious trees.

A picture of the ocean at high tide - just kidding! Mountains, mountains, and more mountains.

I know you are going to be shocked when I tell you that this is yet another picture of the mountains.

Guess what this is??? Yep! Another picture of the mountains!

Yet another view of the moutains and clouds.

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