Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Glimpse of the Future

Bob flew in from Chicago Thursday night so that I could take a much needed trip to NY to visit my family. I hitched a ride with my parents, who were planning a trip out East anyway, and spent 3.5 days without my husband or children. It was a much needed break. It was nice to be able to be surrounded by the family that I spend much of my childhood around, and to only have to worry about myself.

I think my favorite part of this weekend though,was coming home Monday afternoon and being part of our normal family again. The family that we were up until last August. The family that ate a meal together and prepared for the next school day together. The husband and wife duo that tucked in their children together, and that got up with them in the morning. The partners that helped make breakfast, pack lunches, and got kids off to school this morning. It was so wonderful to not have to do it all on my own. I appreciated the balance of shared responsibilities with a deeper sense of awe and respect than I ever have.

Not every family is split so evenly like my husband and I are. In some families it is the Mommy that seems to slack off consistently and in some families it is the Daddy that seems to forget that, yes, he is indeed a father, and with that comes certain  responsibilities. My husband and I are a team, through and through. Where he is weak  I am strong, and where I am weak he is strong. He is a great partner, that man of mine, and I am blessed to have married a man who is a great father. I don't ever have to worry when I leave that he won't be able to care for our children and home. Things run smoothly when I am gone, and he left as the sole parent. For that I am grateful. I am also grateful that when we are home together we each share half of the responsibility of taking care of our children. When I am tucking the girls into bed he is saying good night to the boys, and vice versa. When I am assisting in getting kids ready for their day he is running others to school.

I am so excited that in 17 days he will be home with our family. I am excited that I will have my comrade-in-arms with me every day. I have missed him a lot, and I have no idea how I have soldiered on without him for so long. I have learned a lot these past 7 months, but one of the greatest lessons I have learned is how important my nuclear family is to me, and how very much I value them all.

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