Thursday, July 25, 2013

Getting Some Clarity

I have the honor and privilege of going away this weekend. I will be heading out to the East Coast, and camping with a dear friend for the weekend. It will be just me and her without husbands and kids, and we both desperately need the break. I haven't really had a chance to think too much about the trip with everything going on here, but as the days get closer and closer to Friday my excitement has been growing.

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This trip started out as just an inner thought that thrust into the open when M and I were talking on the phone one day. Just a general, "Hey, wouldn't it be great if we could get away for the weekend", type of thought that eventually turned into a reality at the prompting of both of our husbands who saw just how desperately we each needed to get away.  After comparing calendars for a bit and finally settling upon a date when we both had open weekends my husband booked a flight for me to fly to Boston so that M and I could then drive up to Vermont to camp for the weekend.

I love nature and I love M, so the combination of both in one spot is an amazing gift. I am looking forward to stepping back from my life and having a chance to evaluate it, and hopefully, coming away with some answers to a couple of things weighing me down. Nature soothes my soul, and I find that I gain so much clarity when I am among God's natural gifts to us. I am most at peace in nature and feel more like myself there than in any other place.

Photo courtesy of:

I am looking forward to coming home recharged and refreshed. It has been way too long since I have sharpened the saw, and I am glad that I have a husband and 2 friends who showed me how dull I have become. Sometimes (well a lot of the time) I am too stubborn for my own good. I am thankful for the push to get this trip off the ground.

Happy Weekend to Me and M!

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