Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fall Tidings

Even in the desert the feeling of the fall season is beginning to make its way into our lives. Mornings and evenings are noticeably cooler and the late afternoon heat is becoming more bearable than it was even just a few weeks ago.

Fall has always been my favorite season. And even though the leaves are not changing here on the few deciduous trees we do have I can still feel the spirit of fall's soft whispers of all that is yet to come. I look forward to being able to climb A Mountain on a regular basis again - it has been too hot to do so this summer. I yearn to hike on trails yet unseen and to feel the splendor and beauty of all that is provided in God's bounty called nature.

I know that our time here is limited. I can feel it in my gut and I know all too well that the truth our internal compass provides is not to be ignored. I want to make the rest of our time here - whether that be 6 months or a year and a half - the best it can be. I have fallen in love with the beauty and serenity that I have found here in the desert and I want to capture as much of it as I can in my heart as possible.

The Land of Enchantment has changed me in so many ways. I have experienced more personal growth here in one year than I ever thought was possible. I have been touched deeply by the hand of God here. It has left me forever in different in the best ways imaginable.

My heart is full and content. I have home full of wonderful children. I have husband who is faithful and steadfast and who loves me deeply and madly. I have an extended family that I could call on in a moments notice who would help out in any way possible. I have old friends who have become like family and I am making new ones who will someday share deep bonds of love too.

There is so much to be grateful for. Even in the hardest darkest points in my life God has blessed me tremendously. God is good and so is life in Las Cruces.

Here are some of the places we have been recently...

At the Hatch Chili Festival

Soledad Canyon  - I'll never get sick of posting pictures of this place. 

Sweating my butt off on a hike!

Beautiful Soledad Canyon...

Eek!!! Our first snake encounter. I screamed when I saw this snake in the pathway to get back to the car. Lily stepped over the darn thing twice without getting bit - thank God!

I forgot to post this the other day. This Josh showing Sarah what the Cavern was going to be like. He did this all on his own and was just letting Sarah feel the places that we were going to be hiking into. It was a really sweet few moments to watch him help her. 

Trees!!!!! How I miss them. We were back in Cloudcroft last week. This is another place I will never tire of posting pictures of. 

The quaint town of Cloudcroft. It was like Ohio weather the day we went - a bit chilly, cloudy, and gray. 

The landscape here just touches my soul. It it so pure and wild here. 

Another White Sands visit as well...

I love these puppies so much. They are such a part of our family. Lily & Sammy enjoyed the sunset as much as we did. 


  1. I always love seeing the pictures of your family's adventures! I'm so glad it is getting cool enough for hiking once again!
