Saturday, June 23, 2012

New Beginnings

So, I have finally done it. I have started my first blog. Really, I have no idea what I am doing, so this may take me a bit to become acquainted with the "ways of blogging".  My husband has been urging me for a while to start writing in a blog format - I have been resisting the notion for just as long as he has been encouraging me to do so. I am not an English major - I know that I will be making grammatical and spelling errors, and that sometimes my posts will not seem to make any sense. The thought of embarrassing myself in this way horrifies me - which is one of the reasons I have decided to go ahead and begin one. Pushing myself out of my comfort zone will help me to grow as a person, and I find that growth is good - especially when it can be uncomfortable.

I have been looking at a ton of blogs lately. I am amazed by how many people exist in this world who are so wonderful at communicating their thoughts, and also by how many people there are that truly inspire me. I love that some of these women who I have been following expose themselves completely. They don't just post rosy stuff about their lives, but the nitty gritty that we all go through, but maybe don't want to show to the public. I am particularly inspired by mothers who truly believe in their cause, and seem as though they were born to be a mother.

So a little about me. I am 33 and have been married for 10 years. I met my husband as a freshman at Kent State University, and we have been together ever since. I have 4 awesome children - truly good kids - Andy (12), Josh (10), Sarah (7), Elizabeth (5). I am trying to convince my husband to have a 5th child, but more on that later.  I currently live in OH with my family, but my husband recently told his employer that we are mobile, so at any time we could be moving. This is both completely frightening and exciting at the same time.

Well, I guess this is about as good of a beginning as I can give at this time. As any parent knows - life gets busy with kids, and I am no different. Off to a baseball game this morning...

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