Friday, June 29, 2012

To Blog or Not to Blog?

So, I have been feeling a little foolish for starting this blog. I mean, afterall, who really cares what I have to say? I am no different than any other mom out there - why would someone want to come and read what I have to say? Then I got to thinking about why I read blogs, and I thought that maybe, just maybe, I shouldn't throw in the towel quite yet.

I haven't told anyone that I know (except for my husband) that I have started a blog. I wanted to have people stumble accross my blog the way I stumble across other women's blogs - by hopping from one blog to another. Plus I don't want to upset the community of people that I know with some of my beliefs. (I know, I know, I shouldn't care what other people think. I'll get to that point eventually). I love getting inspiration from other moms and seeing how they live their lives. I like to see how they run their show, and maybe I can find a couple of tips that would work for my family. I love blogs, particularly of women who have large families. I think that their stories are amazing. I admire these women who put their stories out there to be read and in some cases judged. I admire these women, whose blogs I follow, for living their lives off of the beaten path, and for being proud of choosing to live their lives as they do.

I have always struggled because I feel like I am swimming upstream with my beliefs on parenting, and that there just isn't the support network for me. If I could have it my way I would have a ton of kids, live in a house that is just big enough for my family with acres and acres of woods, home school them, and eat a diet of nourishing food without TV and video games - which I think zap our brain cells. BUT that is not the life I live, and I have gone back and forth between home schooling and public school, eating a sustainable mostly whole food  diet to your average American diet, no TV to too much TV. I have basically been all over the place. I know that my Truth lives inside me, and how I believe that an authentic life should be lived for my family lives inside me. I just need to quiet the surrounding noise (or maybe just be still in the raging noise instead of waiting for it to quiet down) so that I can truly hear what my heart is saying. To take what my Truth is and to apply it everyday. To live it and breath it, and to not care what anyone else says.

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