Tuesday, June 26, 2012

An Organic Day

Yesterday was an awesome parenting day for me. I decided early in the morning that there would be no TV, no computer (for any of us), no Wii, no Ipod, no DS systems. Nothing electronic ALL DAY long. I am not a big fan of any electronics. I would be extremely happy with a home that did not have a TV, but my husband is not so on board with that plan therefore we still have our TV.

The kids were not sure what to make of my morning proclamation. They put up a little bit of a stink - Andy wanted to have access to the computer, Josh wanted access to his Ipod, and Elizabeth wanted to be able to watch an afternoon movie, but I held my ground and told each of them (several times) that they could not have said item. (Sarah didn't have any complaints about this set up now that I think about it.)

You know what? They made it through the day, but better than that we had what I like to call an organic day. We were out on the back patio almost all day long. The kids and I dragged Andy's two HUGE Lego tubs out back and dumped them out on two comforters we placed on the ground. The kids were occupied with those for quite a while. They also dragged out the play dough - which I hadn't seen in quite a while. They played tag, babies, cars - all sorts of things - all day long, and it was beautiful. No one fought. Everyone played together. Sarah and Josh even had a lemonade stand and made a few bucks in the afternoon. It was just me and the kids for most of the day (no friends), and I loved it.

When Bob got home we ate dinner. We then decided to head off to the library. (I just adore ours. It is really awesome). We ended our night by taking a family bike ride down to a car show in the center of town. It is so nice to reconnect. Our lives are so busy, and to be able to stop and celebrate our family is wonderful. I think I am going to try to have that kind of day more often. It was awesome!

A day like that restores me, and makes me feel truly happy and content. In my mind that is the way that daily family life should look - at least my family life anyway. I loved it. Let's see what today looks like - I hope every bit as organic as yesterday.

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