Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thought for the Day

I once saw a quote, and it really hit home.
"How we spend our moments is how we spend our lives." - Anon
I am the kind of person who used to constantly be (and still struggle with from time to time) the kind of person who would say:
"When my house is clean I will..."
"When all of the laundry is done, I will..."
"When I have done __________and _________, then I will..."
And you know what? The house was never clean enough and the laundry never done enough, and my life was passing me by. I was too busy "cleaning" to stop and play play dough or swing on the swings or giggle or run around and just be free. Now my kids are all in school, and too often the house is quiet.
I try to always remember that while I cannot change the past - I do have control over what I choose to do in the present and future. So, now when you come over to my house and it is a little messier than  you think it should be for a "stay at home mom" - please remember that my house may be messy, but my children were played with, loved on, and laughed with. At the end of the day that is really the only thing that truly matters.
For the memories my children carry with them will affect how they parent and how their children parent, and so forth. I want to make the most of this time that I have with them - for as any parent knows this time slips by much too fast.

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