Monday, October 8, 2012

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, He Loves Me...
I am married to a really, really good man. A hard working, honest, caring, (mostly) thoughtful man. I am married to the kind of man that puts up with my craziness, and loves me all the same. I wish all women had a wonderful guy in their life like I do. My husband is my partner. He allows me to be zany and crazy and a little off of the grid, and supports me even when he would like to institutionalize me. ;)
We are yin and yang.  He is steady and calm.  I am, at times, a force to be reckoned with. He supports my beliefs that I, as a mother, should be home with my children, and allows me to have my way with some pretty (at least in my community) conservative views on child rearing. He is the best kind of father I could have ever dreamed of having for my children. He is attentive and loving, patient and kind. He plays with my kids like nobody's business, and adores them in a way that all children should be adored by their fathers. He expects our children to help out around the house, to earn their keep, to contribute to our home environment, to be polite, and respectful - as each child should be expected to do. He spends time with them -which is more important than any material gift they will ever receive. He is goofy, and funny, and in turn, my children also adore their father.
Because my husband and I met when we were very young, 18 - to be precise, I sometimes get caught up with the notion that neither of us has had much life experience, and that maybe there is someone else out there that he would rather "be" with. Maybe there is someone else out there who is more like him who would/could make him happier than I do? Maybe if he had to choose over again - he would have chosen differently? After all, I am a complete handful. I am high maintenance, and often a pain-in-the-arse.
And then, I receive the most thoughtful anniversary card, or a friend will tell me that she is jealous of me because she wants a man in her life who looks at her the way my husbands looks at me, or I come to my senses. I am such a crazy goofy girl. My husband loves me because I am me. We were meant to experience our lives together which is why we met when we were so young.
My husband would not have had 4 children with me or contemplate having another child with me in the future if he wasn't absolutely crazy about me. There is so much good in me if I would just take the time to give myself some credit. There are so many reasons to love me - that why wouldn't my husband love me?
Is everything always roses? Nope, but what real non-TV marriage is? Yep, I sure married a wonderful man, and he married a wonderful gal. You know what? I wouldn't have had it any other way. Of course he loves me...

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