Monday, June 9, 2014

Behind Blue Eyes

The great thing about being the author of a blog is that when you are supposed to be posting about your weight loss and successful healthy habits, but cannot do so because your daughter was in the hospital last week and you ate enough carbs for a whole army (because you are an emotional eater) - you don't have to! So, I will report back next Monday with my healthy eating habits and successful weight loss.

For today, I have mostly one thing on my mind, and it is this beautiful little girl. Her eyesight is barely coming back in her right eye. Thank goodness for her left eye because it is compensating so well for the lack of vision in her right eye that I am not sure that the average person would be able to tell she is even having an issue. But I know, and she knows, and her daddy, and brothers, and sister know just how much she is struggling. And although I know very well just how lucky we are, and how much worse her situation could be - today - everything that she has gone through, is currently going through, and will go through in the future just breaks my heart. 

I often look at her and wonder what is going on behind those blue eyes of hers. I wonder how hard it must be for her to have her vision constantly changing. I know it sounds poetic when I write about how much life she will still be able to live even without vision, but do you even realize how much we use our eyes?! No TV, no video games, no board games, no driving, no walking down a street alone, no bike riding, no soccer, no dance, no reading books, no reading signs, no, no, no....What do you do for fun?! Today, it all seems like too much - and I am not even the 9 year old little girl who has had to deal with this for the past year all alone and who will have to deal with it her whole life. 

Sarah's MRI was pushed back because with her being on steroids her lesions will have shrunk too much to give an accurate reading of the activity going on in her brain and possibly her spine. I did find out that she had a new active lesion last time she had an MRI. For some reason, I was not told this until just recently. I don't know why. 

The good news in all of this is that tomorrow is a new day. 

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