Thursday, February 27, 2014


This is what is happening around our house today:

Creating origami critters. 

Penguin Family, Pink Pig, and a Frog Couple
"Friends" helping with origami creations.

In the girls room.
Baby - ready to go out and play with Elizabeth in the snow.
Elizabeth chasing the dog with a huge snowball.

In our kitchen right now...

All in a day's work: washing comforters and blankets from the beds.

Working on school work.

Also working on school work - writing code using Khan Academy website.

Snowy day (on and off).

Sweet pooch tired out from a playdate with Elizabeth outside.

Painting a self portrait.

Working with homemade play dough.

Kinex creations Andy is working on.

Almost always spending free time doing something sporty.
Totally not from today, but I wanted to show it off anyway. An awesome gift arrived in the mail for us from special friends who wanted to help us remember this special year. The perfect gift...(they even got us a Lily card!!!)

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