Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Post I Have Been Waiting Almost Two Years To Write

Last Friday , Bob and I received the best damn news that I have heard in the last two years.  I wanted to tell you all right away, but promised Bob that I would allow the proper work notification be sent out to all parties affected just in case someone got wind of something on Facebook and shared it before it became "work official". We are being transferred and are moving!!!!

I still I cannot believe that we are moving. After I first heard the news I was in shock. I woke up the next morning after having a dream the night before that our moving had been a practical joke. I was afraid to be happy because I was so afraid that something would fall through.

But a start date in Bob's new office has been set. His last day of work in his current office has been set. Emails have gone out. Acceptance letters received. And the relocation company has been notified of our pending move (almost) across the country. We will be hearing from them in within the next 48 hours.

So, where are we moving to?

I'll give you a hint. The city looks like this:

Image result for photos of indiana

Here are some other clues:

1.) It is in the Midwest.
2.) It has a football team that starred my most favorite football player of all time: #18 Peyton Manning.
3.) It hosts a pretty famous Nascar race every year.

Still don't know? Okay, I'll tell you.

The Gregg family is moving to Indianapolis, Indiana.


And you know what? I couldn't be more excited.

I never thought I'd want to live in the Midwest again. I thought I'd been there and done that. And then God moved us to Portland, Oregon and showed us how awful it is to live in some parts of this country. The Midwest has never looked so darn good. Friendly people? Check. Within driving distance to family and friends? Check. Sunnier weather than Portland? Check. Affordable cost of living? Check. Not Portland? Check. Check. Check.

My kids and I screamed out loud with joy when Bob came home from work and told us that the job was his. I cried. And I have been crying on and off for the last week when I think about moving because I was drowning. For two years I have been drowning. And I didn't think our family was going to make it out of here intact. But Bob has made some amazing connections with his employer (and one of those connections comes with an amazing wife whom I have been able to reach out to in the last few months) and when he finally understood what was at stake personally with our staying in Portland he reached out to those connections who helped him make a move for the sake of our family.  Bob is super excited about his new job. He will be under amazing leadership. And will be working with a great team of people. But he also likes his current job and loves his employees and co-workers. He made this move because of me and the kids. And although this is not the path either of us thought we would be on. It is exactly the path that we need to be on. I can feel it in my gut.

When Bob came home and mentioned that this position was open in Indy I knew right away that he had to post for it. I felt it. It was like a bolt of electricity surged through me and I knew, just knew, that this job was meant for us. I felt it with the certainty that I felt when he applied for the job in Las Cruces. You all know how I felt (and still very much feel) about our family's experience in Las Cruces. That same certainty that I felt four years ago came back to me again. And so, even though I never in a million years thought I would be back in the Midwest I know that this move is going to be good. No, not good - GREAT.

You know what the even cooler part about this whole thing is? When Bob applied for Las Cruces four years ago he also applied for a job in Indianapolis simultaneously. During his final interview with the Las Cruces job his (going to be) boss asked him which job he wanted more - the Indy one or the Las Cruces one. His answer was a no brainer at the time and we moved to the place we knew we were meant to be. We are now coming full circle and moving to the city we could have started our adventures in, but knew that it wasn't the right city for us at that time. Now is the right time. And I couldn't be more thrilled.

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