Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How a Small Deed Can Change the Course of a Day

Every two weeks I do a HUGE grocery store run. I make a list, and then spend most of the school day going from store to store getting the things I need. I DREAD this, but I have found it to be the most effective way for me to do the bulk of my shopping. I would dread grocery shopping even more if I had to do it every week - so every other week isn't so bad.
So anyway, I was checking out at the first store I went to. I had a bouquet of flowers in my cart, and the cashier told me not to worry about paying for them because he paid for them for me.I was quite stunned and asked him if he was serious. He nodded that he was. I still couldn't believe my luck, and told him that he had made my day. His final reply was that this was his intention. So, out I walked with a free beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Now, I don't know about you, but THIS NEVER happens to me. I have no idea why he wanted to make my day, but I can tell you that I would like to think that he just saw that I radiate a new confidence, and he was attracted to that confidence.  I went to the store with make up on, my hair done, a nice outfit, and my nails done. Oh, and I had 24lbs less to carry around on my body. 
If you have ever been fat or frumpy or a combination of both (as I have been for MANY years) finally losing weight and taking care of your body does so much for the soul. I feel some days like I exude confidence that I haven't EVER had. That is a wonderful, wonderful feeling.
So, I might have gotten a free bouquet of flowers because I was customer number 37, and that it had nothing to do with anything about my aura. I am going to choose to believe though that it was because of all my hard work, on both the inside and outside of my body,  is starting to pay off. That I truly am becoming my authentic self. Little by little, bit by bit, and that it is not just me that get to see glimpses of that woman, but others as well.

Either way - thank you Mr. Unknown Man for making my day.

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