Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I Am Learning Too

We took the morning off from traditional schooling, and spent it exploring the river that makes its way through Hampton Hills Metro Park. We brought the dog with us and let the morning unfold with fits of laughter, exploration, and family time. It was exactly what the kids needed, but more importantly it was just what I needed.

As I mentioned yesterday, I am really struggling with the pressure that I impose upon myself to get through enough textbook information each day to make it seem to the outside world that my kids really are learning something that they are "supposed" to be learning.To make it seem as if my kids are not too far removed from mainstream kids.That those families and mine have children doing textbook work with the only difference being that mine are at home whereas most likely theirs are in a traditional classroom setting. There is value in doing that textbook work (I know some of you would wholeheartedly disagree), but there is also value in exploring the world around us. To be out in the world each day that I will be asking my kids to live in as adults. To expose them to as much of the natural world that I can - without worrying about textbook information that - let's face it - we don't ever really use as adults.

So, I am thinking that while the weather is beautiful outside we will be spending more time outdoors exploring all that we can, and slow down the pace I have set for the kids book learning. I have been pushing them so hard in order to have something to show the outside world in case we are asked what we did all day. What I am really doing is just trying to prevent judgement from the outside world. People are going to judge me regardless of the decisions that I make. Why stress my whole family out  just to try and please those people outside my home whose opinions should have no weight in my life anyway?

Lesson learned. We are going to slow things down around here a bit. The beauty of homeschooling is that we can take life at our pace, and that learning comes in so many different forms and ways. If I am creative and bold enough to do something as zany as homeschooling my children to begin with surely I can think of creative and bold ways to educate my children that are outside the realm of "normal".

Time to redo some lesson plans...

By the way - have I mentioned how very much I love having my kids home with me? I cannot imagine life any other way anymore. I love the people that they are becoming, and I am so happy that I get to watch their childhood unfold right before my eyes. I am truly blessed.

“The home is the first and most effective place to learn the lessons of life: truth, honor, virtue, self control, the value of education, honest work, and the purpose and privilege of life. Nothing can take the place of home in rearing and teaching children, and no other success can compensate for failure in the home.” - David O. McKay

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