Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Little Birdie

For some reason birds are constantly running into our windows. I would venture to say that just about every day we here the 'ting' sound of another bird running off course and landing smack into the glass of our home. It reminds me of that Windex commercial with the crows....Anyway, the kids and I came home from somewhere last week (who knows from where I cannot even remember what I did yesterday at this point in my life) and found a small bird laying on its side on the ground in front of our family room door.  We thought he was dead at first, but when we went to go pick him up to throw him away he scooted away from us thus letting us know that he was NOT indeed dead.

We used an old wash cloth and got him back on his feet. The girls made a make shift home for him where he stayed for two days. We fed him some birdseed and used a Barbie dish for a water bowl. On the second day he fell into the pool after having hopped out of his little house. Thank goodness we were home and that Elizabeth was obsessed with him and would not leave him alone the whole time he was with us, otherwise he probably would have drowned. (He was probably trying to run away from her!)

We rescued him from the pool, kept him wrapped up in extra wash cloths, and when he was all dry Andy got him to fly away. Maybe the little bugger was just dazed after hitting the back door and needed a couple of days rest before leaving the coop again. Who knows?

The bird wanted to check Lily out. Lily, on the other hand, wasn't too sure about this whole arrangement. 

As the bird moved close to Lily I think she darn near pooped herself. 

Resigned to the fact that not only does she have to contend with Sam, but now she has to deal with this two legged creature as well. 

That is until Sammy comes over and puts the bird in his mouth. (No animals were hurt during the taking of these pictures.)

Lily and Sammy watching the bird as we placed it outside of the fence after Sammy tried to eat it. 

Andy trying to get the bird to fly on its own. 

"Motherbird" herself taking care of her baby.

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