Monday, February 21, 2022

Rough Ridge Overlook

We had a special visitor stay with us a couple of weeks ago. Sarah's Sky View mentor, Hannah, came to visit us from Oregon. Having never been this far east (in the US at least) and living right near Mount Hood and the Cascade Mountain Range we knew we had to take Hannah to show her the Blue Ridge Mountains on the east coast. 

We ended up hiking a short hike of about .75 miles each way. The hike was pretty much straight up and then straight back down, so Hannah and Bob managed to hike it much faster than Sarah and I did because the path was not smooth at all, but we all got to the top regardless. 

The view from the top of the trail was stunning. Mountains and mountains for as far as they eye can see. The wind was rustling through the trees which added to the awe of the surroundings. 

I was/am super proud of Sarah for making it up and back. As I mentioned above, the hike was not smoothy. It was a bit muddy in parts and it was uneven and incredibly rocky throughout almost the entirety of the trail. She mentioned once that she really hated the hike, but was trying to be a good sport about it so as not to ruin everyone else's time. (Once we got off of the trail though, and Sarah had some distance from the experience, she said that she did end up liking it because being at the top was worth all of the hard work up and down the trail.)

I always enjoy seeing new things and this hike was no different. The cool thing about living in this area is that there are so many options when you want an outdoor adventure. (It is a lot like living out west just on a smaller scale.)

A sign that give the name of the trail we hiked with Hannah

You and Hannah standing in the middle of that rock that had the drop off behind it.
Sarah and Hannah

Dad sitting on the edge of the really scary rock with the steep drop off with his legs dangling over the dropoff like a crazy person.
I have a very real fear of heights. I would not go anywhere near this area, in fact Hannah is the one (I believe) who took this picture because I had to hike on. Bobby, though, loves this kind of stuff and was in his element. (This spot was about 1/2 way up the trail - if my memory serves me correctly.)

A closer picture of the one above still with dad sitting with his legs hanging off of the rocks like a crazy person.

A panoramic view on the way up to the top of the trail showing all of the mountains and trees around and below us.
I think this was taken on the way up to the top of the hike. Bobby took some of these pics, so I am not 100% certain of their exact location.

Another stop off on the way up the trail. This one you can see the road carved out of a neighboring mountain.
The cut out on the mountain to the right of this picture is a road.

I am not sure where Dad took this one at, but it is a picture of the vast mountains below us. It is beginning to get cloudy, so I am thinking it was towards the end of our hike.

Another pic of dad on that one rock with the drop off, but this time he is standing up near the edge instead of sitting down.

A picture taken of the view right near the wooden steps we took.

Hannah also being a crazy person standing near the end of a rock with a drop off overlooking the mountains.
Hannah taking in the view.

A picture of me and dad taking a selfie with the mountains in the backround.

Picture of a huge rock face on the mountain surrounded by pine trees.

a Panoramic view of the mountains below us.

A view of the mountains with the clouds reaching down and touching the mountains in the distance creating a smoky effect.

Hannah also having her picture taken on that scary rock.
Hannah also tempting fate on those scary rocks. 

An up close view of some of the trees on the trail.

an upclose view of the trees and rocks surrounding the end of the trail we were walking on.

A picture of the stream below us on that wooden bridge at the beginning of the trail.

A selfie of you and me

The pic of you and me that that guy offered to take of us when we were taking a break and letting people pass us.

a glimpse of the mountains through the trees.
A view from the trail

The very beginning of the trail with Hannah guiding you.
Hannah helping Sarah at the beginning of our hike. As you can see here the trail was not smooth at all. 

an example of the trails rockiness.
This rock WAS the trail at this point in our hike. Imagine being blind and trying to navigate that. Not easy. 

A view of the mountains and rock formations and trees from the top of the trail.
A view from the top.

A view of a pine tree - kind of by himself at the very top of the trail.


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