Friday, February 25, 2022

Week 7: Ordinary Moments

Picture of a plant I am trying to grow back sitting on the kitchen table by the window.
I am desperately trying to regrow this guy. He withered pretty badly on our move to NC last May and I have been trying ever since to revive him to his former glory. 

A picture of my daily planner.
My daily (homemade) planner.

A picture of Moose sitting on my books at the kitchen table trying to prevent me from doing anything other than petting him.
My demanding creature sitting on the book I am trying to work on in order to prevent me from doing anything other than pet him. (It worked. As it always does.)

A picture of my coffee and bible at the kitchen table in the morning sun.
I made a commitment to myself that I would spend this year reading through the bible. My pain desire to do so is twofold: 1.) Last time I checked the bible is the most read book in the world - I want to be included in that group, and 2.) A lot of people spout off stuff about the bible - I want to have better understanding of what it says so that I can call people out when needed. Christians make me nervous because they all interpret the bible differently and they are all sure they have it right. There is something unsettling to me about that. 

A picture of my barren looking portland plant.
This plant (or what is left of it) is a really special plant to me.  This is my Portland plant. I have mentioned it before in this space - I bought it when we first moved to Portland (at the local ikea). It was a beautiful flowering plant (I don't remember which kind) and I loved it. I went to Ohio for a visit with the kids and left it in Bob's care. He darn near killed the thing. So, I took the time to nurse it back to life, only to have it on the brink of death over the course of my time living in Portland through lack of love and care on my part. (I was barely holding myself together during that period, so there was no way I could be responsible for a plant.) I brought this plant with me (I had to downsize when we moved from OR to IN) and nursed it back to life again in Indianapolis. It did really well - slowly, but surely.  It is a hot mess again. It seems when I am going through a really hard time in life I neglect my plants. I had a really hard and terrible 2021 for various reasons (worse than anything in Portland which is shocking as I thought Portland was rock bottom. Surprise!) and I realized just a couple of weeks ago that this guy may have been neglected too much. I am giving her some tender loving care now in hopes that I can revive her once more. 


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