Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bits & Pieces

Our computer was down for the count for a week, and we just got it back yesterday from the repair shop which explains most of my prolonged absence. There has been a lot going on around here. Bob and I have enjoyed spending our mornings together as he is working second shift for the time being. He gets up shortly after I do each morning to help get the kids ready for school and have some time with them before he drives them to school. After that we have about 5 hours together ALONE 5 days a week, and it has been GLORIOUS!!! We call ourselves "the retired couple" because all that we have been doing is hanging out. We each have a to do list that is a mile long, but all we have been doing is eating lunch at Chipotle, taking hikes with and without the dog, hanging out in the backyard, window shopping together, and basically just spending our mornings/early afternoons as we please. It has been awesome to say the least. Bob and I are the type of couple that really like to be together, and the more we are together the better our relationship is. The only downside is that we have gotten very few things checked off of our to do list, but that will come with time. For now I am enjoying my husband and he me.

In other news: We bought 10 gallons of paint to paint the interior of our home. Bob is going to paint each room while I spring clean it. This way we get to be together while each of us gets a much needed job done. We plan on doing this on rainy days - which in Ohio shouldn't take us too long to get completed. We plan on spending the rest of our sunny days outside weeding, mulching, planting, adding new sand to the sand box, etc...I also rearranged the entire house. The boys no longer have their own rooms, and are now sharing which frees up a downstairs bedroom for a multipurpose room. I have books, games, crafts, the computer, this room, and it has been nice for everyone to have this extra space.

I have been spending a lot of time thinking about bringing the children home from public school next year. I have been reading up on the 'Classical Method' of home schooling. Certainly a lot to take on, I know, and I am not certain that I am going to attempt to do this. I am just doing some research to see if I can provide a better education at home than my children are currently getting at their public school. I will write another blog about my thoughts/issues/concerns another day. I have limited time today, and could spend much more time than I have writing about this particular topic.

As for the baby thing - this too I will have to write another blog about, but I just wanted to update everyone to say that it is a 'go'. I have the funds for the procedure, and had my last consultation with my doctor this past Monday. I should be hearing from the scheduling liaison tomorrow to schedule my surgery. More on that to come....

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