Monday, April 29, 2013

The 'You Cannot and Should Not's'

I have been getting some feedback lately regarding some of my more recent posts. The feedback has been coming from those close to me (my family) regarding my decision to proceed with the tubal reversal surgery and to look into home schooling the kids. This is the feedback I have been getting:

'Your kids will not be socialized if you home school them.'
'You already have great kids - why would you want to expand?'
'You children are so old now - you can't add another one. It will be just like starting over again. You don't want to start over.'
'You shouldn't have any more children. What about your health?'
'You shouldn't even think about having more children and home schooling at the same time. You cannot do both. It would be too much for you.'
'You shouldn't think about home schooling again because you have tried it before, and it didn't work out. Why would this time be any different?'
'You can't home school the kids - it's not right/normal/acceptable (take your pick)'

Now, I understand that in writing a blog I am putting myself out there for feedback - both positive and negative, but this has just gotten to be too much. I would just LOVE for someone to say this instead:

"I do not believe in some of the choices you are making or are looking into, but I know that you are an intelligent, thoughtful, caring, and loving mother and wife. I know that you have done thorough research on both topics, and I trust you to make the best decisions for your family."

Do you have any idea how nice it would be to hear those types of words? I am not asking anyone to support my causes. I know that they may seem a little off center to some, but to me they make perfect sense. To me, they are the right things to do/look into.  I feel I owe it to my children to  look into ALL options for their schooling because they deserve the BEST education I can find/give. I also believe in family first - ALWAYS - the bigger the family the better.

It is so HARD - to have to spend mental energy combating society at large that to have to spend more energy fighting off the negative feedback from close friends and family is a load I feel I sometimes cannot carry. So, instead of having to wear armour when I am out and about in my community, I guess I will have to wear it at home now too - at least for now while the dissenters are so vocal. I will not back down from these beliefs. I know in my gut they are the right things for not only me, but for my immediate family too. It would just sure be nice to have some support, but for now that just doesn't exist. I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, eh?

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