Saturday, April 13, 2013

Spring Cleaning?

As I was browsing through my blogs today looking for inspiration and new ideas I saw an amazing blog that dealt with being a housewife. (I know that for some that term conjures up negative thoughts, but I love that phrase, and I am proud to refer to myself as one. The word housewife is kind of a throw back - an old school term if you will - and I believe in a lot of old school idea and concepts - so the word to me carries an air of distinction and honor). Anyway, the author of the blog was talking about spring cleaning. She had a list of items that she was going to be completing and on what days and in what order. I loved it. I sucked every word of it up like they were the last few drops of water in the desert. And then I looked around my house, and laughed. After I got done laughing I got inspired.

Since Bob has come home my house has become a den of chaos. It would sporadically become one here and there while he was gone, but I would quickly get back on track, and life would be good again. My house has looked like a tornado breezed through more than once in the last 2 weeks (which coinsides with Bob's return home), and only through our "family cleans" (a.k.a. power cleans that everyone must contribute to) does it resemble a house of pseudo order. My kitchen floors have not been washed in two weeks nor has my bathroom. The couch needs to be washed, so do the living room floors and the hallway. I could go on and on with all of the things that need to be done, but it would take me more time than I have to type everything out. Honestly, it is just RIDICULOUS here.

Image taken from
The problem (which really isn't a problem at all) is that I love hanging out with my hubby, and I think he really likes hanging out with me. So instead of doing the cleaning that I should be while the kids are in school I am instead finding myself hiking and lounging around in the back yard (if you could call it that) with Bob. At some point I have got to get it together because I DESPISE living in an unorganized dirty house. It makes me feel yucky inside, but on top of wanting to hang out with the hubby the shear volume of stuff I have to do overwhelms me. It is so true that it is better to keep up than catch up. I wish I would have heeded my own advice, and just kept up. BLAH!

Because tomorrow is Bob's birthday we will celebrate it in style and make it the best day that we can, but for the rest of today I will be making lists, and getting my butt ready to super clean, spring clean, and bring some organization back into this house starting Monday. So, thank you awesome blogger for inspiring me to get my act back together, and taking control of this house once more.

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