Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bringing Them Home

I know that I have some people who might read my blog sweating over the fact that I mentioned the words home schooling in my last post. I know that it can be a very scary couple of words to some people, a lot of people really, but it doesn't have to be. For those of you who know me personally, I will share with you as much as I can about some of the things that I am looking into so that you  can take the time to look things up if you should choose. I think that home schooling is scary to some because it is not the "normal" path that most people take, and because, let's face it, we have all had experiences in which we have come across "home schooled" kids. You know the ones I am talking about. But it doesn't have to be that way. In fact, more and more people are choosing to home school, and it is not just for reasons of faith. You can find a number of articles on line that show that home schooling is on the rise - here are just a couple:

There are a lot of reasons that I am considering home schooling. I am not happy with public school education, and feel that home schooling will provide my children with the kind of childhood and learning experiences that are more in line with my values and beliefs, hopes and dreams for giving them the best life they can possibly have.

I have tried to home school the boys before - for two years - when they were in K and 2nd grade. I was working full time third shift, and needless to say it was not the most successful two year period in their educational lives. So I can definitely say that I know what NOT to do, but I feel that I am in a much better place to be able to pull it off this time. I am still uncertain if I am going to be able to home school the kids - I want to be successful at it, and I will need to figure out how I can successfully do that with 4 children in 4 different grades with 4 different needs. I have decided to take this last 9 week quarter while the kids are still in school, and research the heck out of home schooling to see if it is something I can pull off.

There are many different methods to home schooling. Some people choose unschooling, or Charlotte Mason, or Classical, or Unit Studies, or Eclectic, etc...I am leaning towards Classical or Eclectic. I like the idea of a Classical education very much, but I don't know if I would be getting in way over my head if I attempted that approach. We'll see I suppose. I have been toying with the idea of doing a test run with the kids shortly after they get out of school, and doing it all summer. This way if it is successful then I will be that much farther ahead. If it ends up being too overwhelming then no harm no foul. The kids will just go right back to their current schools, and they will pick up right where they left off.

As for spousal support - Bob agrees that there is something lacking in the kids current education, but he is unsure if home schooling is the best option. I think that the idea scares the poop out of him because he feels like I/we would be gambling with the kids future. At least if they went to public school he knows that they would be just as well off as the next guy (even if that guy isn't so well off at all). I think that he would rather they come out average than to risk having them come out awesome if the flip side of awesome is terrible. I get where he is coming from, and I think that those are honest thoughts and feelings. Failing these kids scares the shit out of me too, but I think that the fear of failure will motivate me to NOT fail. I also feel (not normally be a gambling type of girl) that this is one risk that I am so certain will be successful I would take it to Vegas with me.

Whatever we end up deciding to do I know that we will make the best decision in the interest of our children. Family first. Always.

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