Friday, April 5, 2013

New Routines

Life is getting better. We are on the upswing now that the Hubby is home. We are all trying to get into a new routine, but even as we are adjusting life is better than it was before. I feel renewed after a positive conversation with Hubby's employer. I feel that things will work out for us, and that we are right for sticking with this company even though we have been so discouraged as of late. It is refreshing to know that our gut instincts were right about certain decisions we have made. Sometimes when I am going through a hardship I wonder if my gut really knows what it is talking about. Sometimes I let my head convince me that my gut feelings are wrong - especially through a prolonged hardship - such as the one our family just completed.

Husband is working second shift now, and I am finding it easier to adjust to than I thought I would. Probably because now I get to see him every day instead of 2 days a week. The kiddos really like having him home every day too. He drives them all to school, and helps get them ready in the morning. It has been nice having the extra help during that chaotic time. 

Although he has been back for only 1 week we have been in constant discussion about our lives and where we want to go and things we would like to accomplish. The topics have ranged from updates that we would like to make to our home (carpet and paint are a definite - it is just a matter of when), to what kind of car we will be purchasing for Hubby in the near future (my sister and brother-in-law have been kind enough to loan us an extra vehicle they had), to that loaded question that some of you just LOVE when I talk about: the baby thing. 

To add to the excitement I have started to explore alternative options for the kids schooling again due to a very big increase in my dissatisfaction not only with the existing school district, but with the way that we, as a country, educate our children. We are not sure if we are going to keep the kids where they are at, or move to a different school district, or seek even more alternative schooling than that. I am just in the beginning stages of doing some research and plan on using this last quarter that the kids are in school to make some wise and educated decisions based on what is best for my family. 

In the mean time spring is here, and life is looking up. 

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