Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Our 1st Day of School

School went fabulous yesterday. I got the kids up early (well, early for them lately) at 8 am. I fed them a breakfast of pancakes and orange juice. I had them do a couple of their most important chores (like feed the dog, etc...), get dressed, brush their teeth, and then we were off! They took just a couple of short breaks throughout the day, and completed all of their school work in the early afternoon. I think they were all surprised at the amount of work that they were responsible for completing, and I wonder if some of them didn't think that this whole home schooling thing was going to be an extension of summer break minus the friends. Ha! I told them that it would take them a bit of time to adjust to getting into the school routine, but that after a while it will become old habit. The kids really like Latin -  I did too. It was fun to listen to the CD that came along with the curriculum that walked us through the pronunciation of our first 5 vocabulary words. The boys grammar has not arrived yet, so that was the only topic of theirs that we did not get to. I ended up switching last minute because the curriculum that I had originally selected was very, very Christian and I honestly did not want to bring something overtly religious into my home. The girls, especially Sarah, did a wonderful job with their assignments. She was a little disappointed that we did not have an official  recess yesterday, so if the rain holds off today I think I will walk the kids over to the local park for 30 minutes after lunch so that they can get some time to recharge. Josh struggled a bit because his friends were talking about who was in who's class yesterday at soccer practice, but I know that this is just a passing phase. He was the most eager to home school, but I knew that he would struggle in the beginning because he would feel like he is missing out on something in "regular school". As time goes on, I know that he will not second guess his decision to stay home. Plus, I told everyone that we are only committed to this 1 year at a time. Now that everyone has tried home schooling we will review where everyone stands on a year by year basis (that doesn't change how I feel about anything, but in order for the kids to not resent home schooling it is important to me that they have a choice each year.)

The day was definitely a success - everyone (including me) was pooped by the end of the night. I am really looking forward to the days ahead.

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