Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Ordinary Moments: Week 9 of 2022

Picture of my 'crazy cat lady' mug sitting on the back deck table.
Yes, I am a completely crazy cat lady. I totally own it. 

A pic of my first batch of homemade bread sitting on the countertop to the left of the sink half of it cut.
My first batch of homemade bread in a while. It turned out pretty good, and an added bonus is I am saving a ton of money making it verse spending $6 for my Dave's Killer Bread

A portrait of Andy sitting on the bigger living room couch showing how curly and long his hair is.
Andy's hair is getting so long and his curls are back! When he was a baby he had this curly, curly hair. Andy is growing his hair out because his hair is thinning pretty good and he wants to make good use of the time he has left with hair on his head. 

A view of our backyard including the table which has an empty laundry bucket sitting on top.
A warm March day. Getting ready to collect laundry. 

That pic that I took of you and Elizabeth while sitting on the back deck eating our taco snack.
My girls and I taking a creak from school work to have a snack and enjoy the warm spring weather. 

Moose sprawled out on the back porch by the door rubbing his back against the deck.
I could spend all day taking photos of this cat - I am so obsessed with him. 

Moose sitting on my papers on the kitchen table in the sunlight, preventing me from working - as usual.
Most mornings I sit at the kitchen table to prep for my day. And most mornings Moose comes to the table and sits on whatever I am trying to work on in an attempt (almost always successful) to get my attention back on him and away from what I am trying to do. 

A photo of my clothes line with my clothes hanging on it.
I LOVE clotheslines. I love them. One of the best things in life to me is laundry hung up and dried on a clothesline. I haven't had one since Jennings Ave in Ohio. I am trying really hard to get back to enjoying small pleasures in life and this is a big one for me.  


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