Thursday, January 3, 2013

Changes & Updates

My husband suggested that I change the name of my blog since I write about more than just my experiences as a mother, so I took his advice and changed it from 'Mothering with Authenticity' to 'Living and Mothering with Authenticity'. This way my scope is a little broader, and I am not confusing anyone who might think that my blog is just about my parenting experiences.

I know that some of you are waiting for an update on the baby thing, and right now I still don't have an answer. My husband and I had a debate discussion about the issue last weekend, and we are still at a standstill. My husband is very concerned about being able to provide a good life for our family, rightfully so. Because the future direction of his career is so uncertain  right now the thought of our family adding huge costs to our budget (for the surgery and then our deductible to have a baby should we conceive) is just too much for him. Once he figures out what his future will look like in terms of his career he will be able to let me know if he is comfortable investing our family's money in what I am asking for.  I definitely "get" where he is coming from, but I know that in my heart everything will work out alright. I also know that each month I am getting older, and I am limiting myself to how successful I will be able to conceive, but without his consent to have the surgery, those types of thoughts are only going bring me down.  I guess I can do nothing else at this point, but wait and see...again. : (  We should hopefully know something about his job in the next couple of months, so hopefully by the spring I will know something.

I will most likely be writing more once the kids go back to school on Monday. I have loved having everyone home with me. I wish I felt comfortable with my ability to home school them all because I would love to do that again. (Don't worry - I AM NOT going to be home schooling my kids).

I have a couple of good topics rolling around in my head for future posts. It should be a good year. I hope everyone had a very Happy New Year!

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