Friday, May 3, 2013

A Birthday Boy

In two days, on May 5th, our Andy, will turn 13. I remember so clearly the moment he was placed in my arms little did I know what wonderfully awesome experiences I was about to have because of this 10lb 02 oz baby boy.

Andy is a shining example of everything that is right in this world. He has such a pure heart, and I truly cannot think of anyone else with whom he shares that kind of company. I admire him so much because he is so unlike me in so many important ways, but yet, he is still my son. My oldest son. My oldest child.

It does not seem like I have been a mother for 13 years, and yet I cannot remember a time when, as an adult, I wasn't a mother. It seems like he has been with me for eternity showing me through his example of how kindness, generosity, and grace are supposed to be lived out. He has faced more adversity in his young life then I would have ever wished for any of my children to have to carry, and he has taken those burdens and carried them without letting them harden his heart. A weaker person (i.e. me and most other people I know) would have had a heart of stone if I had to face some of the experiences he has.

I am so proud of the young man he is becoming. I am honored to have the privilege of seeing him through to adulthood. I am blessed that he came into my life, and made it so much better. As parents we are supposed to teach our children the ways of the world, but I sometimes feel that Andy has shown me more about life than I will ever be able to impart on him. He is an old soul. A gentle, kind, sweet, honest old soul. I know that Andy is supposed to be the gift receiver on his birthday, but I sometimes feel that I am gypping him because he has given me the best gift ever by being in my life every day. And that because of him I fell into this life that I love with all of my heart and soul.

I look forward to spending the next few years with him enjoying his company, and watching him grow. These last 13 years have been amazing.

So, here's to you my sweet boy. Happy 13th birthday! I love you more than you will ever know. You are in my heart always and forever. I am honored to be your mother. Thank you for  being my guinea pig, and for being so forgiving. I wish you the best 13th year of your life with many more to come.

I love you.

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